Olivia Dawkins née Hill, 1945-2022, messages

Here are some of the messages we have received, or parts of them. Such things should ideally be attributed to the authors, but that would require obtaining permission from each. We present them here anonymously, though they are mostly thinly disguised.

First, a few extracts from emails:

Did enjoy chatting to Olivia - she was always positive about things.

We were so shocked and saddened to hear from you that dear Olly passed away just before Christmas.

I will always remember fondly how well you both gave me a home and looked after me ...

I’m so sorry to hear that she has died – she was a lovely person and it was great seeing you both last year on your trip up North. She was tremendously courageous and positive in the face of everything. It must have been particularly painful for you to lose her so soon after your 40th wedding anniversary and just before Christmas.

It was always a pleasure to see her, and we had many good conversations.

Although I only came to know Olivia better relatively recently, everything I'd heard about her I saw for myself demonstrated in admirable qualities. She will be much missed by many.

I do feel sad, I have to say. Did enjoy chatting to Olivia - she was always positive about things.

How sad for you that your fortieth wedding anniversary together was in fact the last day Olivia spent in the house in which you had both lived together for 35 years.

How lovely that you will be interring Olivia’s ashes in the Bluebell wood.

Olivia was a very special, close and dear friend to me, even thought we met only later on life and lived at a great distance. She was a great personality, a real friend and always included you all her family in this very special relationship (from a German writing in English)

I loved your mother from the time we met at a Chinese restaurant ten years ago. The whole Ligeti Quartet was there that night. Olivia leaned towards me and whispered, not that softly, “Did you know that Val and Paddy are going out together?"

Comment te dire, Miranda, combien nous regrettons ta Maman, sa présence, sa voix énergique, si tonique, son accueil chaleureux, ses délicieux déjeuners préparés avec amour et toutes ses petites attentions!

Je pense à cette longue discussion que j’avais eue avec Olivia, le jour de votre mariage dans ce beau parc à Dijon : elle était tellement heureuse ce jour-là de vous voir unis Thomas et toi. Elle était aussi très fière de toi. Ce sont des moments douloureux, mais qui s’estompent un jour en faisant place aux beaux souvenirs, aux moments heureux.

We count ourselves very lucky that Olivia has been part of our family’s lives here in Felsted; it is typical of her insightful view of the world that she would encourage colourful, rather than black, attire. She was a particularly positive and supportive character for [redacted] over the years and we very much look forward to celebrating her contribution to so many people’s lives, while also being so sorry for your loss.

and here, scripts direct from cards:      
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